How to Apply for Learning Licence in Maharashtra

Driving your own vehicle is convenient and simpler than depending on paid drivers or hired cabs. When you know driving you can use your vehicle any time you want. To learn driving and to drive legally in India, you need to have a valid driving license. When you apply for a driving license, you are, first allotted a learning license before you can avail a driving license. This learning license is valid for six months after which you can apply for a driving license.

Maharashtra is a big and busy State and though there are different modes of public transport, many of you might prefer owning and driving your own vehicle. To do so, you would have to apply for a learner’s license followed by a driving license before driving on Maharashtra roads legally. Let’s therefore, understand the complete process of applying for and availing a learner’s license in Maharashtra.

Types of learning licenses in Maharashtra

The RTO issues different types of learning licenses depending on the type of vehicle which you intend to drive. Thus, there are different types of learning licenses which are issued by the RTO in Maharashtra depending on the type of the vehicle and its intended use. These types of licenses include the following –

Eligibility criteria to apply and avail learning license in Maharashtra

To get a learner’s license in Maharashtra, you would have to fulfil the specified eligibility criteria. These criteria include the following –

The need for learning license for availing a driving license

Applying and availing a learner’s license in Maharashtra is the first step to get a driving license. A driving license is not issued until you have a learner’s license in your name. So, if you want to obtain a driving license, a learner’s license is a must. The license allows you to drive on the roads of Maharashtra so that you can learn about the traffic rules and also practice your driving skills. Once you are comfortable with driving, you can apply for a permanent driving license and easily pass the required driving test if you have practised properly after availing a learner’s license. A learning license is, therefore, essential for you to drive and practice driving before you apply and pass the permanent driving license test.

Documents needed to get a learning license in Maharashtra

To apply for a learning license in Maharashtra in avail the license successfully, you would have to submit the following documents at the RTO –

How to apply for a learning license in Maharashtra?

There are two modes to apply for a learning license in Maharashtra. These modes are online mode and offline mode. Here are the steps of applying for a learning license in Maharashtra through both these modes –