
Covington’s Neighborhood Development Code
(aka Zoning) provides the guidelines that regulate development within the city.

It was overhauled in fall of 2020 to make the zoning process easier and more customer friendly.

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“We, as architects, appreciate Covington’s Neighborhood Development Code. Covington’s code is by far the easiest to navigate, the best illustrated, and the most nuanced”.

- Permit Applicant

How to Apply

Zoning Permit

Certificate of Appropriateness

Do I need a Zoning Permit?

Yes, almost always.

Zoning permits authorize the use of a building or property as well as the construction of, or an addition to, a building.

A zoning permit is required before a building permit may be issued by Planning and Development Services of Kenton County.

What’s needed to complete an application?

If the property is located within an Historic Preservation overlay, a Certificate of Appropriateness issued by the Historic Preservation Officer is required prior to a zoning review.

Check out these application guides: