
ABSTRACT With the increasing rate of globalization and technological advancement in the last decade, organisations are beginning to brace up with the use of information systems in various functions and capacities. Human resources management is one of the areas of the organisation that uses information systems; and human resources information systems supports these activities such as identifying potential employees and retaining them. Human resources information system helps the upper echelon to identify the manpower requirements in order to meet organisation’s long term business plans and strategic goals while middle line managers find it useful in monitoring and analysing recruitment, selection, allocation and compensation of employees; and operational management use it to track the recruitment and placement of the employees. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the relationship between human resource information system (HRIS) and procurement. The theoretical framework of this paper is based on the systems theory with view of interaction between the organisation and its external environment. A survey questionnaire was to four (4) oil and gas organisations in Port Harcourt. The target group of the questionnaire is the staff of the selected organisations. Keywords: human resources information systems, human resources procurement.

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